Data Bloom

Attrition Analysis

You have worked hard to build a loyal customer base or a loyal employee base. You do not want the "A players", the loyal spokespeople, to churn away from your good business. After all, customers and employees are your lifeblood. How do you preempt possible churn of your employees and customers ahead of time and put effective retention strategies in place? Past attritions reveal a pattern that can be used to identify pre-eminent causes for churn that can translate into specific retention strategies. Underneath, we show an example of employee attrition on simulated data to understand leading causes of churn.

We will use data/analysis from employee data to demonstrate attrition models. Please remember this is a statistical model and does not consider the events or the temporal sequence that led to attrition. Most analyses use both quantitative methods as well as survival models to predict churn.

1. Download data

In [1]:
# Download the data
uri = ''

# Ingest the data
attrition_pd = pd.read_excel(uri)

pd_display(attrition_pd, "Simulated employee churn data")

Simulated employee churn data

Age Attrition BusinessTravel DailyRate ... YearsAtCompany YearsInCurrentRole YearsSinceLastPromotion YearsWithCurrManager
0 41 Yes Travel_Rarely 1102 ... 6 4 0 5
1 49 No Travel_Frequently 279 ... 10 7 1 7
2 37 Yes Travel_Rarely 1373 ... 0 0 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1467 27 No Travel_Rarely 155 ... 6 2 0 3
1468 49 No Travel_Frequently 1023 ... 9 6 0 8
1469 34 No Travel_Rarely 628 ... 4 3 1 2

1470 rows × 35 columns

2. Explore data

Let us explore the data characteristics (like datatypes and statistics). We notice there are 35 recorded attributes and 1470 observations of data.

In [2]:
# Print attributes of the data and their legend
    zip(attrition_pd.columns, attrition_pd.dtypes),
    columns=['Attribute', 'Data Type']).set_index('Attribute')
Data Type
Age int64
Attrition object
BusinessTravel object
... ...
YearsInCurrentRole int64
YearsSinceLastPromotion int64
YearsWithCurrManager int64

35 rows × 1 columns

The data contains

  • Attrition -- Label attribute (predicted variable)
  • Age -- Continuous variable (useful for determining if older employees more likely to attrite than younger employees?)
  • Business Travel -- Frequency of travel; are road-warriors more likely to attrite than others due to travel stress?
  • Daily Rate -- Are compensated employees more satisfied?
  • Department -- Does the field of employment make a difference?
  • Distance from Home -- Is long commute a likely indicator for employee frustration?
  • Education level -- An ordinal rating for level of education. Is education offering better opportunities to lure employees away?
  • Education Field -- Is academic field an indicator for market appetite/skills?
  • Employee Count -- duh -- a count of 1 employee is 1. Please ignore this attribute.
  • Employee Number -- Employee ID; ignore since this is a apriori ID and has no bearing on the outcome unless an employee attrites because they do not like their number. More likely this is an ID attribute and deserves to be thrown out.
  • Environment Satisfaction -- A score for employee satisfaction from previous survey -- the company's environment in general. Of course, higher the satisfaction, the lesser the attrition.
  • Gender -- is gender likely a factor? Does gender contribute to churn/volatile qualities?
  • Hourly Rate -- Are compensated employees more satisfied? This is of course redundant in view of the daily rate and monthly rate. How do we consolidate all these measures of the compensation into a singular attribute?
  • Job Involvement -- How "hands-on" are the employees? Are involved employees more satisfied?
  • Job Level -- do executives face different pressures that forces involuntary attrition?
  • Job Role -- Does the job role -- between sales, finance, research, and development etc -- make a difference?
  • Job Satisfaction -- past satisfaction score from survey about their specific job. I guess this factor can be confounded with environment satisfaction because it is hard to isolate one's job from company overall.
  • MaritalStatus -- Are single individuals more likely to attrite because of the socio-econo-emotional independence?
  • Monthly Income -- How is this different than monthly rate or daily rate or hourly rate? Not sure. Let us leave it in.
  • Monthly Rate -- Are compensated employees more satisfied? This is of course redundant in view of the daily rate and hourly rate. How do we consolidate all these measures of the compensation into a singular attribute?
  • NumCompaniesWorked -- How many companies in the past have employees rotated? This is meaningless unless we also take into account the total experience duration into account.
  • Over18 -- Is the employee an adult? All employees are adults. So it is best to ignore because this attribute is poorly ranked.
  • OverTime -- Are employees working overtime, perhaps non exempt employees, likely to attrite due to stress?
  • PercentSalaryHike -- hike in percentage during last performance check-in. Higher incentive leaves employees satisfied.
  • PerformanceRating -- Was employee rated failing, mediocre, or stellar?
  • Relationship Satisfaction -- score from last satisfaction survey wrt to relationship with the team.
  • StandardHours -- # of hours. All values are 80; so it is best to ignore this attribute.
  • StockOptionLevel -- Stock grant issued during last review.
  • TotalWorkingYears -- Total years of experience. Is maturity, mid-life crisis, old age in the job a factor in attrition?
  • TrainingTimesLastYear -- How much time did employee spend training on new skills last year. Is the academic pursuit and passion still existent in the employee?
  • WorkLifeBalance -- Is there a good work-life balance? Higher is better.
  • YearsAtCompany -- How long in the current company have employees stayed?
  • YearsInCurrentRole -- How long in current role; or other way of saying when did employee last change their role?
  • YearsSinceLastPromotion -- How long since the employee been promoted?
  • YearsWithCurrManager -- Years under current manager. Indicates a level of comfort with management line.
In [3]:
# Here are the data definitions from the Excel spreadsheet
pd.read_excel(uri, sheetname=1, names=['Attribute', 'Legend']).fillna('').T
0 1 2 3 ... 31 32 33 34
Attribute Education ... WorkLifeBalance
Legend 1 'Below College' 2 'College' 3 'Bachelor' 4 'Master' ... 1 'Bad' 2 'Good' 3 'Better' 4 'Best'

2 rows × 35 columns

2.1 Visualization

Visualize the features to see if they make sense. You want good arity, correlation of the data

In [4]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib'ggplot')

import math
from ggplot import *
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 72))
cols = 3
label_col = 'Attrition'

# Draw correlation plots per column
rows = math.ceil(float(attrition_pd.shape[1]) / cols)
for i, column in enumerate(attrition_pd.columns):
    if column.lower() == label_col.lower():
    ax = fig.add_subplot(rows, cols, i + 1)
    if attrition_pd.dtypes[column] == np.object:
        cts = attrition_pd[[label_col, column]]
        cts = cts.groupby([label_col, column]).size()
        cts.unstack().T.plot(kind='bar', ax=ax, stacked=True, alpha=0.5)
        cts = attrition_pd[[label_col, column]]
        (xmin, xmax) = (min(cts[column].tolist()), max(cts[column].tolist()))
            range=[xmin, xmax])

# Display plots
plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.7, wspace=0.2)

2.1 Feature Selection

By looking at the plots, and tallying with the hypothesis, can we validate we are along the right direction?

Here are notable visual observations we find (we will confirm statistically later) --

  1. Age -- Older individuals ~55 years old do not attrite much.
  2. DistanceFromHome -- longer commutes ~25 miles seem to attrite.
  3. Education -- Individuals with doctoral degree do not attrite.
  4. EmployeeCount, Over18, StandardHours -- they all exhibit an arity of 1 with no variance. These attributes are rubbish since we do not have any negative/variant examples.
  5. EmployeeNumber -- is an ID attribute and useless as hypothesized
  6. All satisfaction scores, as rightly hypothesized, exhibit higher attrition when satisfaction scores are lower. We still need a way to consolidate the three scores into one if possible.
  7. All rates (daily, hourly, monthly) do not seem to show substantive patterns.
  8. Singles show higher attrition as they churn faster.
  9. Lower involvement rates seem to attrite more.
  10. Sales and technicians attrite relatively more than other roles.
  11. Lower monthly incomes -- no surprises -- do attrite and move to other opportunities.
  12. NumCompaniesWorked -- people that have only had one or two jobs want to be adventurous.
  13. Overtime -- people that are working overtime certainly seem to exhibit higher attrition pattern.
  14. PercentSalaryHike -- people that received lower raises of course tend to move on.
  15. Peformance Rating -- people with outstanding performance are recognized and rewarded; therefore attrite less. But we only see employees receiving excellent and outstanding ratings despite a wider range. So we have to renormalize the scale for better representation. Since the rating is already coded an ordinal attribute, we may be ok leaving as is too.
  16. Lower stock option levels lead to higher attrition.
  17. TotalWorkingYears -- people with approximately <10 years attrite more. This variable is indeed confounded by age, marital status, experience, and YearsAtCompany perhaps!
  18. TrainingTimesLastYear -- employees that do not seek training (are too snobby or too unskilled); and ones with 2-3 trainings seem to exhibit churn as skills are either too stale or improved beyond being applicable to current role.
  19. YearsAtCompany and YearsInCurrentRole -- shorter experience window, especially in the first two years, seems to suggest quick attrition. This is understandable as new roles/employees are disconnected from business and usually take time to familiarize with the organization, business dynamics.
  20. YearsSinceLastPromotion -- people with relatively long time since recent promotions seem to attrite less; perhaps they are just coasting in the current job.
  21. YearsWithCurrentManager -- employees develop a trust with management in ~5 years. Before that, the lack of trust perhaps leads to attrition because of a clear alignment with management. Some individuals perhaps seek a change after a long term trust relationship too; so a few attrites do occur at the sixth year.
In [5]:
# Aligned with our few observations, let us take some actions and weed out useless attributes
df = attrition_pd.copy()
# Remove ID attributes and the attributes that do not have a variance
# See observations above for justification
df.drop('EmployeeCount', axis=1, inplace=True)
df.drop('EmployeeNumber', axis=1, inplace=True)
df.drop('Over18', axis=1, inplace=True)
df.drop('StandardHours', axis=1, inplace=True)

3. Model Building

Our exploration has given us a chance to gauge a few attributes and their characteristics. We have imputed and filtered values as needed.

Of the many attributes that seem to impact the attrition outcome, we do not know which is most discerning predictor. To discern, let us build a model...

We will be using a simple decision tree to investigate the predictor strength. We choose decision tree because we want explainability and palatibility of our model. Since decision tree works alright with categorical, ordinal, and continuous data, we are good so far with the transformation of the data. But sklearn however does require us to map categorical variables into one-hot encoded floats aka Trump -> [1, 0] and Clinton -> [0, 1] where the first-bit indicates Trump and second-bit indicates Clinton. Numerics and ordinals are fine.

In [6]:
# Let us one-hot encode the data
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler

# Split the testset into a 90-10 split for training and testing
# Also remove all binary attributes and scale ordinal variables into 0-1 range
one_hot_encoded = pd.get_dummies(df).drop(
    label_col + '_No',
    axis=1).rename(columns={label_col + '_Yes': label_col}).drop(
        'OverTime_No', axis=1).rename(columns={'OverTime_Yes': 'OverTime'})

# Display the data set
pd_display(one_hot_encoded, "The dataset encoded")

The dataset encoded

Age DailyRate DistanceFromHome Education ... MaritalStatus_Divorced MaritalStatus_Married MaritalStatus_Single OverTime
0 41 1102 1 2 ... 0 0 1 1
1 49 279 8 1 ... 0 1 0 0
2 37 1373 2 2 ... 0 0 1 1
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1467 27 155 4 3 ... 0 1 0 1
1468 49 1023 2 3 ... 0 1 0 0
1469 34 628 8 3 ... 0 1 0 0

1470 rows × 51 columns

First Pass Validation

Let us validate if our 21 observations (hypothesis) stand any ground. Turns out some of them do and some do not. Underneath a simple correlation plot of the attributes with respect to attrition. As we observe --

  1. Employees with a long working tenure (presumably old) seek stability; do not attrite
  2. Higher the job role, lesser the attrition.
  3. Longer experience in role leads to propensity to stay longer.
  4. Older individuals attrite less.
  5. Monthly income plays a critical role in employees choosing to leave.
  6. ...
  7. People who work overtime leave
  8. Single people prefer to leave
  9. Sales representatives are showing higher turn rate, perhaps because the build connections quickly where as research scientists stay put because they do not make connections.
In [7]:
# Plot a correlation plot
one_hot_encoded.corr().ix[label_col].drop(label_col).sort_values().plot(kind='barh', figsize=(6, 8))
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x110da4710>
In [8]:
# Define shortcuts for separating X and Y from pandas dataframe
X_set = lambda df: df.drop([label_col], axis=1)
Y_set = lambda df: df[label_col]

# Create a stratified KFold so you may repeat training instances randomized
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold
skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=10)

# Create empty test and training catalog
train_idx = []
test_idx = []

# Across each stratified fold, keep track of training records versus test records
for train, test in skf.split(X_set(one_hot_encoded), Y_set(one_hot_encoded)):
#Let us separate the training X and test X
X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = (
    X_set(one_hot_encoded).iloc[train_idx], Y_set(one_hot_encoded).iloc[train_idx],
    X_set(one_hot_encoded).iloc[test_idx], Y_set(one_hot_encoded).iloc[test_idx])

# Let us preview the data
           "Training data normalized and ommitted of the prediction label")

Training data normalized and ommitted of the prediction label

Age DailyRate DistanceFromHome Education ... MaritalStatus_Divorced MaritalStatus_Married MaritalStatus_Single OverTime
136 51 1150 8 4 ... 0 0 1 0
140 32 1033 9 3 ... 0 0 1 0
150 40 1395 26 3 ... 1 0 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1325 42 1142 8 3 ... 0 0 1 0
1327 46 1319 3 3 ... 1 0 0 0
1328 27 728 23 1 ... 0 1 0 0

13230 rows × 50 columns

Using the gradient boosted tree (the ensemble method) is...

In [9]:
#Let us use Gradient Boosted Tree Classifier (prediction of a yes/no attrition) model -- a decision tree implementation
from sklearn import ensemble
from sklearn import linear_model
from sklearn.preprocessing import *

# Fit classifier params
params = {'n_estimators': 400, 'max_depth': 3 }

# Create classifier
clf = ensemble.GradientBoostingClassifier(learning_rate=0.01, **params)

# Train, y_train)

# Predict on testset and verify accuracy
acc = clf.score(X_test, y_test)

# Print
HTML("<h3 align='center'>Accuracy with Ensemble Methods is <u>{:.2f}%</u></h3>".format(acc * 100))

Accuracy with Ensemble Methods is 89.93%

If we used a logistic regression model instead...

In [10]:
from sklearn import linear_model, datasets, metrics
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score

# Training Logistic regression
logistic_classifier = linear_model.LogisticRegression(C=100.0)

# Train and predict the outcomes for test set
acc1 =, y_train).score(X_test, y_test)

# Print
HTML("<h3 align='center'>Accuracy with Logistic Regression is <u>{:.2f}%</u></h3>".format(acc1 * 100))

Accuracy with Logistic Regression is 88.91%

Feature Importance

What features seem to be explaining the attrition most?

In [11]:
%matplotlib inline

# Plot feature importance normalized to a 100% scale
importances = pd.DataFrame(
    zip(X_train.columns.values, 100 * clf.feature_importances_ /
    columns=['Feature', 'Importance %']).sort_values(
        ['Importance %'], ascending=[False])

# Chart most important features predicting the attrition outcome
importances.head(20).plot(kind='barh', x='Feature', y='Importance %');

3.1 Is the model any good?

In [12]:
#Let us see how we predicted. What false positives and true negatives did we yield...
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix

# Predict the attrition outcomes on the test set
y_pred = clf.predict(X_test)

# Draw the confusion matrix
def plot_confusion_matrix(cm, title='Confusion matrix',, labels=None):
    # Show the confusion matrix as an image
    plt.imshow(cm, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap)
    # Put labels on axis
    tick_marks = np.arange(len(labels))
    plt.xticks(tick_marks, labels, rotation=45)
    plt.yticks(tick_marks, labels, rotation=45)
    # Pack it together
    # Render the DataFrame as a table for easy view
    cmpd = pd.DataFrame(cm, columns=labels)
    cmpd.index = labels
    display(HTML('<b align="center">Confusion matrix</b>'))

# Labels
labels = [0, 1]
# Compute confusion matrix
cm = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred, labels=labels)

# Show the confusion matrix
plot_confusion_matrix(cm, labels=labels)
Confusion matrix
0 1
0 1230 3
1 145 92

How do we interpret these results?

  • If you penalize both false-positives (where the model predicted the employee will attrite when indeed they did not!) and false-negatives (where the model predicted the employee will not attrite when they indeed did!), then the model accuracy is operating with ~89% accuracy. Btw, in real world, it is more detrimental to safely assume that an employee will not attrite when they do -- and one would want to err towards caution -- therefore be more intolerant to false negatives.
  • Remember we used 10 fold validation so samples are 10 times more than they really are.
  • To read a confusion matrix heuristically, if you treat the visualization of a matrix as a dot-matrix, the elements along the diagonal must be large numbers and there should not be any spillage outside the diagonal. Spillage will seep to non diagonal elements which are an indication that the model and the real-world do not align. So it should be "dark" along the diagonal and white along non-diagonals. Any seepage above the diagonal (upper triangular matrix) is false-positive and under the diagonal (lower triangular matrix) is false negative.
  • In our case, we seem to be falling into the fallacy of predicting an employee will not attrite when they indeed do in 15 test cases, and that is not good. Predicting ~3 employees as attriting when they do not is not so much a challenge if the company values employee retention.

4. Reading/explaining the model

In [13]:
# What does our data decision tree look like...
# Since GBT is an ensemble of randomforests/decisiontrees, we will refit the data just to render on the screen
from IPython.display import Image
import pydot
from sklearn import tree
from sklearn.externals.six import StringIO
from sklearn import tree

dtree = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=3)
dtree =, y_train)

dot_data = StringIO()
with open("", "w") as output_file:
        class_names=['Stays', 'Leaves'],
from os import system
system('dot -Tpng -o dtree2.png')
#Double click on the image if you care.

4.1 Interpreting the chart

What does the decision tree really tell us? Focus on leaf nodes that show class="Leaves". The class of a node is assigned as a "winner takes all" churn or retention class.

Traversing the left-most "leaves" branch, it suggests that fulltime non-research scientists with relatively smaller experience of less than 1.5 years employees attrite just as much as they stay. So age and profession of the fulltime employee base is a factor of concern warranting better incentives and cross-opportunities for young non-research trainees in the organization.

Traversing the other leaves branch, it suggests that young fulltime employees under 34 years with lower income of less than $3750 are showing higher propensity to leave. It warrants better incentives for younger employees.

Similarly, not shown here, another rendition of the tree suggested exempt employees that work overtime and make smaller daily rates leave as well. They seek better work-reward balance.

All this leads to simple outcomes --

  1. employees with smaller incentives leave.
  2. employees in non-research (aka non-innovative fields) leave.
  3. younger and single non-exempt employees leave.

To save employees from churning, offer better rotational opportunities, financial incentives, and contract-to-hire opportunities.

5. Scoring

Now that we have a model, one that performs ~90% accuracy, can we now predict for new employees (or current employees as they age) if/when they attrite? Yes.

In [14]:
#For the purposes of this demo, let us assume test data is indeed our scoring data. You want to ideally score on an unseen data...
#Predict the attrition likelihood
y_pred = clf.predict(X_test)
emit = X_test.copy()
emit['Really Attrited'] = y_test
emit['Predicted Attrited'] = y_pred

#Show the likelihoods
    emit[emit['Predicted Attrited']==1].drop_duplicates(),
    "These are the predicted churn outcomes of existing employee base. Please reach out the employees that have prediction of attrition = 1"

These are the predicted churn outcomes of existing employee base. Please reach out the employees that have prediction of attrition = 1

Age DailyRate DistanceFromHome Education ... MaritalStatus_Single OverTime Really Attrited Predicted Attrited
14 28 103 24 3 ... 1 1 1 1
26 32 1125 16 1 ... 1 1 1 1
34 24 813 1 3 ... 0 1 1 1
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1396 53 1168 24 4 ... 1 1 1 1
1436 21 501 5 1 ... 1 1 0 1
1438 23 638 9 3 ... 0 0 1 1

95 rows × 52 columns


A simple attrition analysis model. This is a purely quantitative model that looks at past look-alike attributes of a churn.

Survival models that predict outcomes based on prior "activities" (telephone calls, HR escalations, paystub downloads etc) also play a critical role in churn analysis. We do not consider those here although we do ask you to search for nPath analysis ( to learn more about a few of these survival models.