Data Bloom

Big Data Ingestion

Business Problem

Every business now has more data than can be handled by spreadsheets and traditional databases. So chief data officers for all digital enterprises are creating bigger data lakes at scale on Hadoop. The problem however is that the data lake journey is fraught with governance challenges down the line if not shored up by clear metadata management and governance standards from the start. It turns out that directly opening the data lake for everyone to bring their data, per the intended purpose, is a guaranteed way for the lake to turn into a swamp quickly. There are numerous ways to bring data into Hadoop. Opening and supporting all the available protocols is a governance nightmare.

Instead, we found that the best way to ensure a sustainable metadata governance standard is to design a single data manifold -- a self-service data ingestion WYSIWYG interface -- that quarantines input data and enforces a strict annotation, quality, and ownership standard for raw data. A single manifold also addresses challenges like --

  1. schema-integrity challenges of continuous data
  2. overriding and flagging duplicity of data
  3. quarantining unclassified data
  4. inferring structural semantics of unstructured data
  5. profiling and quality-proofing structured data
  6. triggering automatic curation workflows
  7. more...

There is a myriad of ways to ingest, infer, characterize, and store raw data into the data lake environment. Below, a few examples of bringing data into the lake from local files (Excel, CSV, JSON, XML), enterprise databases (SQL Server, MySQL, Postgres, Oracle, SAP BW, Teradata), cloud platforms (Google Big Query, Salesforce, Amazon S3), and from the Internet. Although we do not show the drag-n-drop user-interface, the constructs underlying the data bridge are simple and enabled easily by Spark.

Ingesting Local File

You can use a myriad of inbuilt ways to ingest local data files. If the file is native to big data platform (like avro or json), you may use Spark's data connector framework directly. If the files are binary files like Excel, you may use Pandas and convert files into Spark dataframes (and consequently the Hive warehouse).

In [1]:
# Reading a Excel file
finance_details = pd.read_excel(

# Display a preview of the file
    '''Preview of the Excel file from'''

# Describe the dataset (data columns and their percentile stats) 
pd_display(finance_details.describe(include='all'), '''Data characteristics''')

# Infer the dataset schema (data columns, types) 
    '''Data types''')

# Create a Spark (aka "big data") frame out of it
finance_df = sqlCtx.createDataFrame(finance_details)

# Display a preview of the big dataset
    '''Preview of the Excel file in Spark's memory''')

# Save the Spark dataframe into the data lake; overwriting data if it already exists
# Make the column names safe for Hadoop standards[
        re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z_]', '_', col).strip().strip('_'))
    for col in finance_df.columns
    'finance_accts.parquet', mode='overwrite')

# Verify data on disk is intact
    '''Preview of the dataframe in data lake disk''')

Preview of the Excel file from

Segment Country Product Discount Band ... Date Month Number Month Name Year
0 Government Canada Carretera None ... 2014-01-01 1 January 2014
1 Government Germany Carretera None ... 2014-01-01 1 January 2014
2 Midmarket France Carretera None ... 2014-06-01 6 June 2014
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
697 Government Mexico Montana High ... 2014-02-01 2 February 2014
698 Government Canada Paseo High ... 2014-04-01 4 April 2014
699 Channel Partners United States of America VTT High ... 2014-05-01 5 May 2014

700 rows × 16 columns

Data characteristics

Segment Country Product Discount Band ... Date Month Number Month Name Year
count 700 700 700 700 ... 700 700.00 700 700.0
unique 5 5 6 4 ... 16 NaN 12 NaN
top Government Mexico Paseo High ... 2014-12-01 00:00:00 NaN October NaN
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
50% NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN 9.00 NaN 2014.0
75% NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN 10.25 NaN 2014.0
max NaN NaN NaN NaN ... NaN 12.00 NaN 2014.0

13 rows × 16 columns

Data types

0 1
0 Segment object
1 Country object
2 Product object
... ... ...
13 Month Number int64
14 Month Name object
15 Year int64

16 rows × 2 columns

Preview of the Excel file in Spark's memory

Segment Country Product Discount Band ... Date Month Number Month Name Year
0 Government Canada Carretera None ... 1388534400000000000 1 January 2014
1 Government Germany Carretera None ... 1388534400000000000 1 January 2014
2 Midmarket France Carretera None ... 1401580800000000000 6 June 2014
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
7 Channel Partners Canada Montana None ... 1401580800000000000 6 June 2014
8 Government France Montana None ... 1401580800000000000 6 June 2014
9 Channel Partners Germany Montana None ... 1401580800000000000 6 June 2014

10 rows × 16 columns

Preview of the dataframe in data lake disk

Segment Country Product Discount_Band ... Date Month_Number Month_Name Year
0 Small Business France VTT Medium ... 1391212800000000000 2 February 2014
1 Small Business Mexico VTT Medium ... 1391212800000000000 2 February 2014
2 Enterprise Canada Amarilla Medium ... 1398902400000000000 5 May 2014
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
7 Government Canada Montana Medium ... 1391212800000000000 2 February 2014
8 Government United States of America Montana Medium ... 1401580800000000000 6 June 2014
9 Government Canada Paseo Medium ... 1398902400000000000 5 May 2014

10 rows × 16 columns

Ingesting HTML File

HTML and Network files can be implemented on top of traditional JSCH like API layers. Below, we show examples of ingesting a HTML resource from the web, a SFTP resource from a file server, and file from Windows share.

In [2]:
# Read a HTML resource. In this case, example of most populous countries in the world from Wikipedia
# First table from
    'Most populous countries in the world from HTML page')

# Write a simple routine to read data file from home directory
# We are doing this so as to not inline username/password info here in the public notebook
def read_string(filename):
    with open(filename, 'r') as f:

# Read a file from FTP server
from os.path import expanduser
# Get home directory
home = expanduser("~/")

# Import pysftp and copy the SFTP file locally. You may be able to get a file handle too
# for big files or use spark-sftp connector
import pysftp

# Open a disposable connection
with pysftp.Connection(
        password=read_string('{0}/.pwd.txt'.format(home))) as sftp:
    with'/tmp'):  # copy locally
        sftp.get('iris.csv', 'iris.csv')

# Make a dataframe and display
pd_display(pd.read_csv('iris.csv'), "Iris spark dataset from a SFTP file")

Most populous countries in the world from HTML page

Rank Country or area UN continental region[1] UN statistical region[1] Population (1 July 2016)[2] Population (1 July 2015)[2] Change
0 World 7432663275 7349472099 7000113193403389230♠+1.1%
1 1 China Asia Eastern Asia 1382323332 1376048943 6999455971354210760♠+0.5%
2 2 India Asia Southern Asia 1326801576 1311050527 7000120140670978120♠+1.2%
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
231 231 Niue Oceania Polynesia 1612 1610 6999124223602484470♠+0.1%
232 232 Tokelau Oceania Polynesia 1276 1250 7000208000000000000♠+2.1%
233 233 Vatican City[l] Europe Southern Europe 801 800 6999125000000000000♠+0.1%

234 rows × 7 columns

Iris spark dataset from a SFTP file

sepal_length sepal_width petal_length petal_width species
0 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 setosa
1 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 setosa
2 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 setosa
... ... ... ... ... ...
147 6.5 3.0 5.2 2.0 virginica
148 6.2 3.4 5.4 2.3 virginica
149 5.9 3.0 5.1 1.8 virginica

150 rows × 5 columns

Ingesting from Cloud

Enterprises are increasingly moving to cloud first where data classification may be more open. ARIBA, Workday, Salesforce, AWS have become increasingly common. Your data first arrives into the cloud. In order to import these datasets into the data lake, you have a decent choice of connectors available currently.

In [3]:
# We will demonstrate use of Salesforce datasets to be brought into the data lake
sfdc_username = read_string('{0}/.sfdcusername.txt'.format(home))
sfdc_password = read_string('{0}/.sfdcpassword_token.txt'.format(home))

# Read the dataset
sfdc_accounts ="com.springml.spark.salesforce").option(
    'username', sfdc_username).option('password', sfdc_password).option(
        'soql', 'SELECT Id, Name, BillingCity FROM Account').option(
            'version', '35.0').load()

# Show the preview
           "Salesforce accounts read into the big data lake")

Salesforce accounts read into the big data lake

BillingCity Id Name
0 Mountain View 001o000000BJ0jOAAT GenePoint
1 null 001o000000BJ0jPAAT United Oil & Gas, UK
2 Singapore 001o000000BJ0jQAAT United Oil & Gas, Singapore
... ... ... ...
9 Tucson 001o000000BJ0jXAAT University of Arizona
10 New York 001o000000BJ0jYAAT United Oil & Gas Corp.
11 San Francisco 001o000000BJ0jZAAT sForce

12 rows × 3 columns

Ingesting from enterprise databases

Enterprises also presumably have existing databases (SQL Server, Oracle), warehouses (Teradata, Netezza), and datamarts (Cognos, Microstrategy). There is existing knowledge in these databases that needs to be transferred into the single data lake as well (logically, if not physically) in order for end to end analytical insights. Most of these data sources (including nosql databases) provide standard JDBC connectivity for Spark.

Underneath, we show an example of ingesting from a simple sqlite database which scales just as easily for bigger MPP warehouses as well like Teradata and SAP.

The JDBC path opens a world of possibilities. Btw, the Spark dataframes and consequently any big data frames can also be written back to JDBC sources making interoperability with existing databases a breeze!

In [4]:
# Make a JDBC connection from the local SQLite database into a Spark dataframe
jdbc_db =
    )),  # The source of the file
    table="(select * from customers) a",  # Prune dataset that you load
                'org.sqlite.JDBC'})  # Driver in the classpath if needed

# Display a preview.
), 'Any JDBC source can be materialized in memory and constructed as a Spark dataframe'

Any JDBC source can be materialized in memory and constructed as a Spark dataframe

CustomerId FirstName LastName Company ... Phone Fax Email SupportRepId
0 1 Luís Gonçalves Embraer - Empresa Brasileira de Aeronáutica S.A. ... +55 (12) 3923-5555 +55 (12) 3923-5566 3
1 2 Leonie Köhler None ... +49 0711 2842222 None 5
2 3 François Tremblay None ... +1 (514) 721-4711 None 3
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
56 57 Luis Rojas None ... +56 (0)2 635 4444 None 5
57 58 Manoj Pareek None ... +91 0124 39883988 None 3
58 59 Puja Srivastava None ... +91 080 22289999 None 3

59 rows × 13 columns

Analytics in memory

So what can we do with the data in the lake? Whether that data is physically copied in the warehouse, saved to a local columnar file, or logically referenced in-memory from an existing remote source, most analytics can directly be applied in place. This makes ephemeral analytics and pipelined ETL at scale easy to implement in Spark.

Underneath, we just pick the simplest Iris flower dataset and visually explore for the separability of the features.

In [5]:
# Wrap the iris dataset big data frame
iris_pandas_dataset = pd.read_csv('iris.csv')

# Just to show a complex data file...
# Save the Pandas object as a JSON file
iris_pandas_dataset.to_json('iris.json', orient='records')

# Just for demonstration, read the JSON file too
iris_dataset ='iris.json')

# Show a preview of the data
pd_display(iris_dataset.toPandas(), "Preview of the raw Iris dataset")

# Describe the dataset
         for colname in iris_dataset.columns]).toPandas().T,
    'Column statistics of the dataset')

Preview of the raw Iris dataset

petal_length petal_width sepal_length sepal_width species
0 1.4 0.2 5.1 3.5 setosa
1 1.4 0.2 4.9 3.0 setosa
2 1.3 0.2 4.7 3.2 setosa
... ... ... ... ... ...
147 5.2 2.0 6.5 3.0 virginica
148 5.4 2.3 6.2 3.4 virginica
149 5.1 1.8 5.9 3.0 virginica

150 rows × 5 columns

Column statistics of the dataset

0 1 2 3 4
summary count mean stddev min max
`petal_length` 150 3.7586666666666693 1.764420419952262 1.0 6.9
`petal_width` 150 1.1986666666666672 0.7631607417008414 0.1 2.5
`sepal_length` 150 5.843333333333335 0.8280661279778637 4.3 7.9
`sepal_width` 150 3.0540000000000007 0.43359431136217375 2.0 4.4
`species` 150 None None setosa virginica

Data Visualization

In order to check the separability of the flowers, let us visually rendition the scatter plot of the data. If they are separable, we ought to easily spot the void space between the scatter groups.

In [6]:
%matplotlib inline

# Plot the dataset; color each species of Iris with different colors
sns.pairplot(iris_dataset.toPandas(), hue="species");


We observe that Setosa species is of course clearly separable from the other two species. The Versicolor and Virginica species of Iris are however not easily separable.

Data Shaping

Raw files do not come prepped for analysis. You must indispensably change the raw data into an analytical shape first. You can choose to do that in the lake before downstream data marts can consume the data or directly atop the ODBC connector on top of Impala/Tez/Spark. Underneath, we show how you can implement star-schema in Spark.

Men are from Mars. Women are from Venus.

Gender Movies

The movie lens data ( provides Likert ratings of movies as entered by viewers. Based on this data, we want to identify if there are movies that have substantive difference in likings by men and women; and if there are, we want to identify the top 10 movies that have maximum disagreement between men and women.

Underneath is also an example for how can mix imperative, declarative, and functional style programming to shape the data.

In [7]:
# Bring the ratings, users, and movies data from the web

# Ratings
ratings = sqlCtx.createDataFrame(
        names=['user_id', 'item_id', 'rating', 'timestamp'],
        usecols=[0, 1, 2]))

# Users
users = sqlCtx.createDataFrame(
        names=['user_id_dim', 'age', 'gender', 'occupation', 'zip'],
        usecols=[0, 2]))

# Movies
movies = sqlCtx.createDataFrame(
        usecols=[0, 1]),
    schema=['movie_id_dim', 'movie_title'])

# Display the raw dimensional tables of users and movies
pd_display(movies.toPandas(), 'Movies dimension table from MovieLens')
pd_display(users.toPandas(), 'Users dimension table from MovieLens')

# Display the factual ratings table
pd_display(ratings.toPandas(), 'Ratings fact table from MovieLens')

Movies dimension table from MovieLens

movie_id_dim movie_title
0 2 GoldenEye (1995)
1 3 Four Rooms (1995)
2 4 Get Shorty (1995)
... ... ...
1678 1680 Sliding Doors (1998)
1679 1681 You So Crazy (1994)
1680 1682 Scream of Stone (Schrei aus Stein) (1991)

1681 rows × 2 columns

Users dimension table from MovieLens

user_id_dim gender
0 1 M
1 2 F
2 3 M
... ... ...
940 941 M
941 942 F
942 943 M

943 rows × 2 columns

Ratings fact table from MovieLens

user_id item_id rating
0 196 242 3
1 186 302 3
2 22 377 1
... ... ... ...
99997 276 1090 1
99998 13 225 2
99999 12 203 3

100000 rows × 3 columns

Star-schema Join (Declarative SQL)

We can overlay the dimensional tables over factual data with simple multiway join. Let us just employ simple declarative (SQL) syntax in Spark to accomplish it. The strongest advantage of using Spark, besides inbuilt machine learning libraries, is the ability to mix and match imperative, declarative, and functional style programming in the same workflow in memory.

In [8]:
# Join the dimensional definitions with factual tables to obtain denormalized representation
norm_ratings = sqlCtx.sql(
    'select a.*, b.*, c.* from {0} a join {1} b join {2} c on a.user_id = b.user_id_dim and a.item_id = movie_id_dim'.
    format(ratings.reg(), users.reg(), movies.reg()))

# Show a preview of the star-schema table
    "Denormalized star schema movielens ratings table")

Denormalized star schema movielens ratings table

user_id item_id rating user_id_dim gender movie_id_dim movie_title
0 1 2 3 1 M 2 GoldenEye (1995)
1 5 2 3 5 F 2 GoldenEye (1995)
2 13 2 3 13 M 2 GoldenEye (1995)
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
7 64 2 3 64 M 2 GoldenEye (1995)
8 72 2 3 72 F 2 GoldenEye (1995)
9 83 2 4 83 M 2 GoldenEye (1995)

10 rows × 7 columns

Aggregations (Functional Programming)

We will employ aggregations using functional programming (groupBy, agg) to compute average ratings for every movie as rated by each gender.

The grouping still only groups ratings by gender and leaves ratings on successive rows of data. In order to employ simple delta logic, it is best to place the ratings for each movie per gender in the same row in two different columns. In order to get the columns, we can pivot the grouped table.

In [9]:
# Let us average the rating per movie per gender
# Group by movie name and gender; compute average rating per group
avg_ratings = norm_ratings.groupBy(
    ['movie_title', 'gender']).agg(F.avg('rating').alias('rating'))

# Display the aggregated average ratings
pd_display(avg_ratings.toPandas(), "Average ratings by each gender per movie")

# Pivot to flatten gender averages per movie on a single line
# Group movie into a single line, but project individual gender ratings
# as separate columns in the result file.
pivot_avg_ratings = avg_ratings.groupBy('movie_title').pivot('gender').agg(

# Display the pivoted values to show averages
           "Average ratings per movie, separated by gender ratings in columns")

Average ratings by each gender per movie

movie_title gender rating
0 GoldenEye (1995) M 3.18
1 GoldenEye (1995) F 3.37
2 Four Rooms (1995) M 3.11
... ... ... ...
3105 B. Monkey (1998) M 3.00
3106 You So Crazy (1994) M 3.00
3107 Scream of Stone (Schrei aus Stein) (1991) M 3.00

3108 rows × 3 columns

Average ratings per movie, separated by gender ratings in columns

movie_title F M
0 GoldenEye (1995) 3.37 3.18
1 Four Rooms (1995) 2.69 3.11
2 Get Shorty (1995) 3.40 3.59
... ... ... ...
1660 B. Monkey (1998) NaN 3.00
1661 You So Crazy (1994) NaN 3.00
1662 Scream of Stone (Schrei aus Stein) (1991) NaN 3.00

1663 rows × 3 columns

Computations (Declarative SQL)

With ratings aligned in the right shape, we can compute movies that have maximum separation of ratings between men and women. Positive diff ratings mean Men like the movies more than women. A negative diff rating means women like the movies better than men.

In [10]:
# Compute movies that have the maximum ratings polarity between two genders and display top 10
polar_movies = sqlCtx.sql(
    'select movie_title, F as female_rating, M as male_rating, (M-F) as diff from {0} order by abs(diff) desc limit 10'.

# Display the movies
           "Top 10 movies that are rated differently by men and women.")

Top 10 movies that are rated differently by men and women.

movie_title female_rating male_rating diff
0 Delta of Venus (1994) 1.0 5.00 4.00
1 Two or Three Things I Know About Her (1966) 1.0 4.67 3.67
2 Paths of Glory (1957) 1.0 4.42 3.42
... ... ... ... ...
7 Loch Ness (1995) 4.0 1.00 -3.00
8 Visitors, The (Visiteurs, Les) (1993) 5.0 2.00 -3.00
9 Lay of the Land, The (1997) 4.0 1.00 -3.00

10 rows × 4 columns


The key messages from this notebook are --

  1. Do not embark on the data lake journey and turn it into a swamp by diving in with the data
  2. Good data lake begins with good governance; and good governance begins with good metadata
  3. Ensure good data practices at inlet. Design a good data manifold to bring data in; shut down unregulated inlets for discouraging unauthorized transfers into the lake
  4. Easily bring data from on-prem, cloud, local, internet, and enterprise sources with simple one-liners
  5. Profile data immediately upon ingestion and assign a clear attribution to the data
  6. Infer schemas automatically; also check data/schema integrity
  7. Store raw data for provenance. But use massively parallel processing to shape and stage data for analytics
  8. Enable easy physical, logical, or ephemeral integration with in-memory engine of Spark
  9. Combine declarative, imperative, and functional style programming to cater to many skills and personas
  10. Apply traditional star-models; apply analytical models as the challenge demands